Witch's Spell Book Upcycle

Spell book pages are now available here!


We just added a much needed Witch's Spell Book to our Halloween decor. It was in the family for years  found at a thrift store but it started out with a slightly different look:

It was a Reader's Digest hardcover that someone had made into a wedding, ahem, gift or prop? The pages were already curled and sealed; all I needed to do was remove the silk cord, paint it, and add the spells and ink.

Holy glue gun Batman! I needed a rest after finally getting that silk cord out of there. Painting it was a breeze by comparison.

I have a bit more blending to do on the pages, but we love the result. I decided on a Frog to Prince and All Purpose Potion and used 1/2" black elastic for the ribbon because that's what I had on hand. Total cost: $2.99; the landfill was saved and a bride somewhere was spared.

Just in case someone flips it over...

I have a plan to mix this in with our apothecary bottles. For now it can sit at the front entry. Macy thinks it should be on the kitchen counter -- must be the recipes. Oh, that's me in the photo a la chocolate frosting circa 1963 -- with a little Picnik Halloween action for good measure.

Thanks for peeking!

Linking up to:


 Courtney's Feathered Nest Friday at The French Country Cottage and...
Thrifty Thursday at Inspired by Charm and...
Funky Junk Donna's Saturday Night Special!


  1. Wow! Aren't you the clever and crafty one! Awesome job. Love the chocolate face. I think we're about the same age.

  2. FANTASTIC! I saw this somewhere else in blogland and loved it. Way neat! I never come up with stuff as cool as this. ;)

  3. I love that book - great job on turning it into a witches spell book - those curled pages are awesome!

  4. Tracy,
    that is so "spooky" cute! You did a amazing job on it! BTW, I've just awarded you with the Versatile Blogger award, check out my post on Wed, Oct 19 for instructions! I'd love for you to let me know when you post about it so I can read some new things about you!

  5. Really cool, Tracy! Good eye to spot that book in the thrift store and great imagination to transform it! You were pretty cute with chocolate on your face!

  6. Thanks Kathy -- it's a look I'm still good at today!

  7. Awesome! I love it. My friend does a huge Halloween party at her house every year. I will have to pass this on. So happy to see you at Tangled Happy. Thanks for your nice comment. Wishing you a happy weekend. :)

  8. The spell book is fantastic! Thanks for some great inspiration!
    Cheers, Andrea

  9. I totally love that- how fantastic it is!! Stopping by from FJ- stop by and say hello sometime!m :)

  10. Very cool!!! I will have to keep my eye out for these books!

  11. Hi Tracy,
    I wanted to let you know that you won my Giveaway of the Gourmet Gifts Cookbook!! Yay!! Can you email me thegraphicsfairy at gmail dot com with your address?
    P.S. Great project. love your spell book!!

  12. Great save! I love how you turned it into a spell book. That background photo of you is adorable too!

  13. Hi there~ stopping by to say thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!

  14. Boo,
    I am a first time visitor and I love what I see. I am in the process of making a spell book but gee I love yours so much more. You lucked up finding the prop ready for your magic. I have some readers digest hardback that I will use for mine. Hey that little shirless goblin sure is a cutie. Drop by my blog for more halloween. I am cranking up for a couple of parties. Kathy

  15. Love this to the hilt!! What a fun way to recycle a really bad book. LOL visiting from the Thrifty Thursday party. :-) Sue

  16. Love this idea - great display of your festive decorations!

  17. This is adorable. And SO much better than the "before".


  18. Your book of witches spells is adorable and a neat addition to your vignette!

  19. Just stopped by to say I really enjoy your blog and I am sharing the Leibster Award with you . You can check it out at http://makinghome-dawn.blogspot.com/
    Congrats and keep up the good work !

  20. Way too cute! Now I need to find a book to try my hand at making one of these too! Love it!!

  21. Where did you find the awesome looking pages to put into it? I've tried to make some of my own and they look shabby in comparison!

    1. I made them Robin... just used clip art and we made up our own recipes! Now to find a test kitchen...

  22. I have been looking at SEVERAL blogs, and this is one of my favorites!! Did you use mod podge to put the spells in there? I have an oversized book I am going to use, and I cannot just print and glue in.


    1. Thanks JJohn, (you're set up as a no-reply blogger so I hope you'll find the answer here!). Yes, I used mattte modge podge and gave it a coat over top so that it will be easier to dust as the years go by. :)

    2. Thanks Tracy! Matte is what I have on-hand!
      I'll have to check my settings; I didn't even realize I had a blog set up until I posted my comment yesterday! :| haha

  23. Love this! So much fun -- and the comment about "saving a bride," lol. :^)


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