DIY Spring Bulbs Label Decor

Thanks to Tracey at My Sweet Home Living I have taken the leap into using her recipes for Coffee Grunge, Coffee Podge and paper bag magic to make this bag for my Spring Bulbs label. I love how it turned out. I had everything on hand that I used for this vignette so it was budget friendly too. You will find the video tutorial on making the bag on Tracey's Facebook page, link above.

I crocheted an edging on some old cotton gloves and used Tracey's coffee grunge recipe to age them. The photo is of my great grandfather, a master gardener, in his garden in the 1940's. The clothespin was my great grandmother's.

Tracey has a another fantastic video tutorial on making even more realistic bulbs. For mine I used golf balls, medium weight brown paper, coffee podge, faux tulip leaves and spanish moss. To make your own, cut 6" to 7" circles from brown paper. Crumple the paper and brush on some coffee podge on the inside. Wrap around the golf ball and twist to close. Brush more coffee podge around the outside. Apply dry instant coffee crumbs wherever you would like more colour. Tracey Campbell has videos of this technique that show you how this works; you can find them via the link above. Twist tighter when the bulbs are almost dry. Add more coffee podge if you'd like more colour. When dry I peeled open the tops to poke in a small piece of leaf. Glue some spanish moss on the bottoms for roots. Ta-da!

The Spring Bulbs label is part of my new spring set, #126, which includes eight labels and a simple bunny sewing pattern. 



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