Happy Halloween preparations! I hope that your witch's larder and apothecary collection is growing nicely. Please feel free to use this new 2019 copyrighted label for your own personal use.  I have many more Halloween labels for sale in my Etsy store  Crow's Feet BOO•tique!   Cottage Use rights are included with purchased labels. Apples used in the first photo are guaranteed poison free as they have been thoroughly tested by the resident apple pickers and apple tester (waiting above to catch any dislodged fruit). © FREE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY If you would like to use any of my free labels to make items for sale,  even on a small scale , please contact me via my  Etsy Store . The contact link is in the upper right, under my photo. A licence for commercial use is also available. Click on label for maximum resolution and save to your computer. **Thanks to Tracy in Winston-Salem, NC for the label suggestion!! :) Thanks for stop......